
Club racing
The club's focus is dinghy racing that takes place on Sunday mornings (March-December) and Wednesday evenings (May-September). Racing is organised into a number of class or handicap fleets. Racing starts at 1030 on a Sunday and 1830 (or slightly earlier when the nights draw in) on a Wednesday. Racing is competitive but sailors of all abilities are warmly welcome and actively encouraged to join in. If you are new to dinghy racing, please speak to any club officer or more experienced club racer and they will be pleased to show you the ropes.
Isle of Wight Dinghy Championships and Junior Regatta
Isle of Wight Dinghy Championships will be help at GSC in 2021 (our 90th Birthday). Clubs from all over the island will be sending competitors.
The Junior Regatta is a two or three day sailing event for cadets aged 16 or under. The younger cadets are coached around short courses whilst the more experienced sailors compete in more challenging races. This is a great introduction to racing for all levels of ability. Cadets from across the island participate in this fun event.
Social Sailing
A number of fun sailing events are held throughout the year including picnic races and informal training sessions. Dates for these events are on the sailing calendar and details are posted on the website.
Last updated 20:49 on 26 September 2023